Click below for story synopsis and excerpts:
The Lens and the Looker
The Bronze and the Brimstone
The Loved and the Lost

Thoughts, insights and rants by our favorite POST-dystopian author and fans.
*******BOFFO! review from******* ****MIDWEST BOOK REVIEWS*****
I would like to share this book review from Midwest Book Reviews.
“The Verona Trilogy” is a superbly crafted, three volume time-travel saga featuring the hazardous adventures of Hansum, Shamira and Lincoln, three 24th Century teenagers who find themselves transported back to 14th Century Verona. Author Lory S. Kaufman has a particular skill in developing a complex story arc of unexpected twists and cliff-hanger turns that will keep his readers fully entertained and engaged from beginning to end. Highly recommended, especially for personal and community library Science Fiction collections
-James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief Midwest Book Review
Reading for pleasure is not only fun . . .
. . . it’s also the most inexpensive form of entertainment and . . . it’s good for your health.
Let’s discuss the economic value first.
At an average reading speed, a one hundred thousand word book will take a reader between twenty to forty-five hours to read. A book costing $10 therefore only costs 10 to twenty cents an hour for your entertainment. And you can read it again and again, or turn a family member or friend onto it.
By the way, right now, The Lens and the Looker is being sold for 99 cents, so that’s a two to four pennies an hour.
As well as reading being economical, reading offers so much more. Here’s a quick list;
-where watching movies or television is a passive entertainment, reading necessitates the reader participate, so it engages your imagination. This is very important, especially for children.
-reading strengthens the vocabulary, and improves spelling and grammar. We can all benefit from that.
-it’s a fact that people who read for pleasure know more about the world than people who just ingest visual media. (don’t get me wrong, I also go to the movies two and three times a month, but it’s a totally different art form.)
-apparently reading good literature develops a sharper ability to understand the people you encounter in your daily life. I think that’s because well-written, three dimensional characters, placed in believable life situations, even in fantasy or speculative fiction, shows readers the inner working of interesting characters’ minds.
-studies have shown that immersing yourself in a good book is the most effective way to overcome stress, better than listening to music, having a cup of tea or even taking a walk. (this doesn’t mean don’t exercise. I actually can’t be a productive writer unless I go to the gym five times a week.)
-reading before bed is a great way to forget the cares of the day, and it helps you sleep soundly.
So, keep healthy and read a good book.
Can you think of other benefits to reading? Let me know.
By the way, (here comes the shameless self-promotion) there’s a whole new spate of reader reviews for The Lens and the Looker on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can check out by clicking on the link below.
Cheers and happy reading,
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